Bedwetting in anybody above the age of six or seven years is considered a problem. It can be due to an overactive bladder or a problem with the nerves and muscles in the bladder.
Treatment includes behaviour therapy, and making use of medication. Your child requires to take adequate amounts of water throughout the day, so that she is not thirsty at night. She ought to also make a habit of using the toilet frequently throughout the day, every two to three hours. She should avoid taking big amounts of liquid after 6pm, and make sure to utilize the toilet right before going to sleep. A Waterproof mattress pads would be good option too.
You can utilize an Alarms for Bedwetting at age 9 to wake her up once or twice during the night so that she can go to the toilet. The timing of the alarm need to be adapted to just before she wets the bed. It may spend some time to get the timing right, and perseverance is required. As soon as she is used to this, she can handle herself, and typically within 3 months, she needs to have the ability to stay dry most nights. She requires to be examined by a medical professional every couple of months till she arrives.
If the above steps do not work, she can be started on medication to help "strengthen" bladder muscles.
The most crucial thing for you and your daughter is to think that she can get dry, and to keep a favorable mindset. Penalty and scolding does not assist at all. She will require constant affirmation, and celebration of every victory.
Click here for more : How to Stop Bedwetting,Bedwetting solutions,Bedwetting store
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